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10. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

10.1. Installing

  1. Download the appropriate NXLog install archive from the NXLog website.

    1. Log in to your account, then click My account at the top of the page.

    2. Under the Downloads  NXLog Enterprise Edition files tab, choose the correct archive for your system.

      Table 17. Available SLES Files
      Platform Archive

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12


      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15



      The SLES 11, SLES 12 and SLES 12 archives above each contain several RPMs (see Packages in an SLES Archive below). These RPMs have dependencies on system-provided RPMs.

  2. Use SFTP or a similar secure method to transfer the archive to the target server.

  3. Log in to the target server and extract the contents of the archive.

    # tar xjf nxlog-4.6.4661_sles12_x86_64.tar.bz2
    Table 18. Packages in an SLES Archive
    Package Description


    The main NXLog package


    Provides the im_dbi and om_dbi modules


    Provides the im_odbc and om_odbc modules


    Provides the xm_perl, im_perl, and om_perl modules


    Provides the im_wmi module


    Provides the im_wseventing module

  4. Optional: To change the NXLog user and group for the installation, set the NXLOG_USER and NXLOG_GROUP environment variables. The specified user and group will be created, used for the User and Group directives in nxlog.conf, and used for the ownership of some directories under /opt/nxlog. Specifying an already existing user or group is not supported. The created user and group will be deleted on NXLog removal.

    # export NXLOG_USER=nxlog2
    # export NXLOG_GROUP=nxlog2
  5. Install the required NXLog packages and their dependencies (this example installs the main NXLog package only).

    # zypper install nxlog-4.6.4661_sles12.x86_64.rpm
  6. Configure NXLog by editing /opt/nxlog/etc/nxlog.conf. General information about configuring NXLog can be found in Configuration. For more details about configuring NXLog to collect logs on Linux, see the GNU/Linux summary.

  7. Verify the configuration file syntax.

    # /opt/nxlog/bin/nxlog -v
    2017-03-17 08:05:06 INFO configuration OK
  8. Start the service using the service command:

    # systemctl start nxlog.service
  9. Check that the NXLog service is running with the systemctl command.

    # systemctl | grep nxlog
      nxlog.service                      loaded active running   LSB: logging daemon

10.2. Upgrading

To update an NXLog installation to the latest release, use zypper as in the installation instructions above.

# zypper install nxlog-4.6.4661_sles12.x86_64.rpm

To replace a trial installation of NXLog Enterprise Edition with a licensed copy of the same version, follow the installation instructions.

The same user and group will be used for the upgrade as was used for the original installation (see installation step 4 above). Changing to a different user and group during upgrade is not supported.

10.3. Uninstalling

To uninstall NXLog, use zypper remove. To remove any packages that were dependencies of NXLog but are not required by any other packages, include the --clean-deps option. Verify the operation before confirming!

# zypper remove 'nxlog*'
This procedure may not remove all files that were created in order to configure NXLog, or that were created as a result of NXLog’s logging operations. To find these files, consult the configuration files that were used with NXLog and check the installation directory (/opt/nxlog).