The following articles contain old content and have been archived:
CSV to Navit Converter: Converting a CSV file with coordinates to a bookmark.txt file for use with Navit
Debian Home Server & Router: Setting up a combination home server and network router using Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze
Filesystem Bookmarks: Storing browser bookmarks in the normal GNU/Linux /home/user filesystem hierarchy
Nokia N810 chroot: Setting up a Debian GNU/Linux chroot on a Nokia N810 Internet Tablet
Nokia N810 Kernel: How to recompile the Nokia N810 Linux kernel in order to add or remove kernel features
Nokia N900 Kernel: How to use the N900 “Power Kernel” for additional features without breaking camera functionality
vCard Separator: A Python script for separating a multiple-vCard file into multiple individual vCard files
vCard to GeoCSV Converter: A script for extracting vCard GEO field coordinates and saving them to a CSV file
vCard to Twinkle Converter: A script that extracts telephone numbers from vCard TEL fields and creates an address book file for the Twinkle VoIP phone
For a listing of all content, see the Site Map.