This article is part of a series; see Speech Reinforcement.
When selecting hardware, look for quality first, then look for a feature set close to what you need. Often a well-designed device with a limited feature set will work better than a poorly-designed device with an extensive feature set. Do not make the mistake of looking for the cheapest product with the features you need: likely those features are poorly implemented.
If price is a concern, consider buying used equipment. Generally, used high-quality hardware will serve you better than new low-quality hardware. But remember to test used hardware thoroughly before using in an important event!
Here are some brands I have at least some experience with. You can learn more by testing devices and doing research.
TOA: recommended. TOA’s products, while often more expensive than competitors’, are more reliable and have (sometimes radically) better performance. I have had excellent experience with TOA’s warranty/repair service.
Williams Sound: recommended. Their assistive listening systems provide high quality audio transport. This opinion is based mostly the experience of other people with some of their 72 MHz systems.
Telex: of interest. Decent 72 MHz assistive listening systems.
Revolabs: of interest. Revolabs has some nice-looking wireless microphone equipment.
Peavey: not sure.
Rane: not sure. Rane has some excellent RaneNotes reference material.
Galaxy Audio: not recommended. I have used some Galaxy Audio equipment that was usable but not high-quality.
ART: not recommended. I have had problems with both ART products and their repair services.
Behringer: not recommended. Behringer’s products are designed to provide as many features as possible for the least cost.
Nady: not recommended. I have seen major quality problems on Nady portable products.
Other resources
See the following external links for more information.
Amplifiers and speakers
Basic Hardware
On-Stage Stands MY200 universal microphone clip
Monoprice 3ft Cloth Series 1/4 inch TS Male 20AWG Instrument Cable, product #601403
TIC SP-70V-TA External 70V Transformer outdoor transformer with (8Ω, 2.5W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W rotary selector)