I wrote a syntax specification and the following Python application for validating data in an external contact information database and exporting to various formats. The application has a command line interface and a graphical interface, both interfaces cover the same functionality.
Excerpt from the README
This utility reads an Addbook (AB4D) database and provides the following functionality:
Validates the Names table against syntax.md
Provides a list of names lacking directions/coordinates
Exports contacts to CSV, vCard, and gpsbabel formats
Input is an Addbook (AB4D) database file.
Example command, using gpsbabel for one of its supported output formats, is something like this:
$ python3 addbooktool export Addbook.AB4D | \
gpsbabel -i unicsv -f - -o garmin_gpi,category="Addbook" -F
$ addbooktool -h
usage: [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-V] {validate,export} ... input
This is a utility for working with Addbook data.
positional arguments:
validate validate fields in names table
export export contacts
input Source AB4D file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
provide password for AB4D database file (only
required on Windows)
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
For subcommand usage information, run eg. 'addbooktool validate -h'.
$ addbooktool validate -h
usage: validate [-h] [-d] [-c] [-a]
The validate command returns a list of the records which have invalid
syntax. Use the optional arguments to relax or restrict the
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --directions require entries to include directions
-c, --coordinates require entries to include coordinates
-a, --full-addr require entries to have full addresses (rather
than just city/state)
$ addbooktool export -h
usage: export [-h] [-f {gcsv,gpi,gpx,vcard_dir,vcard_file}]
The export command returns the records in the specified format.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f {gcsv,gpi,gpx,vcard_dir,vcard_file}, --format {gcsv,gpi,gpx,vcard_dir,vcard_file}
output format, one of: GPSBabel unicsv, GPI,
GPX, vCard folder, vCard file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file or directory, depending on
selected format (The default output location
for single-file formats is stdout, including
for binary formats. The default output
location for multiple-file formats is the
current directory. If the selected directory
is not empty, a temporary directory will be